Chapter Five

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Chapter Five starts off in the town of Wind. Find and talk to Ivan just inside of the city.

Quest Giver Location




Ivan: "Assisting Ivan the 'sane'"

So you claim to be here to help me? Help me with what? Does it look like I need the help from a stinking punk?! Me stinking? You got a foul mouth on you too... Well if you want to prove you're not with them, kill some gargoyles and I might consider your help.

The Objective

  • Slay -
    • 4 Fire Gargoyles
    • 5 Gore Fiends
    • 10 Gargoyles
    • 10 Imps

The Reward

  • Clothing Bless Deed

Ivan: "Accuiring the proper items"

As a genius, I do have certain expectations thrust upon me. One is to save this city, nay this world from certain doom. But alas, my legs are not what they once was. I know I know, I don't age, but apparently my legs do. Help me get these items from monsters roaming my poor city and I might actually let you in on my masterplan.

The Objective

  • Obtain:
    • 1 Lich bone
    • 1 Larva intestines
    • 1 Piece of shade
    • 1 Stone gargoyle heart
      • Turn in: Ivan in Wind

The Reward

  • A wall banner deed
  • Empty vial

Ivan: "Volatile Crystal"

Fine, fine this is good! Now we only need the last ingredient. Take this bottle and find the betrayer. When he's drawing his dying breath, capture his essence. You will only have seconds to capture it, so be quick little toad.

The Objective

  • Obtain:
    • 1 Volatile crystal
      • Turn in: Ivan in Wind

| Notes: Double click the "Empty Vial" and use it on the body of the betrayer,

| Important Note: some quest items may need the option: "Toggle Quest Item" to be selected by single clicking your character in game and choosing the option then targeting said quest item(s).

The Reward

  • Pulsating crystal
  • Maabus Coffin Deed

Ivan: "Volatile Crystal"

Take this crystal and hold it exactly one feet from your face, be careful the toxins in it will kill you in seconds if you're not careful. Kill it...Kill hard.

The Objective

  • Slay:
    • The shadow
  • Obtain:
    • 1 Pulsating crystal
  • Turn in: Ivan in Wind

| Notes: Double click the "Oddly Pulsating Crystal" to be taken to "The Shadows" lair and kill it - kill it hard!

| Important Note: some quest items may need the option: "Toggle Quest Item" to be selected by single clicking your character in game and choosing the option then targeting said quest item(s).

The Reward

  • Orb of Energy

Chapter 5 Complete!

The start of Chapter Six...