Chapter Four

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Chapter Four starts off in the town of Moonglow. Find and talk to Angar just southwest of the city.

Quest Giver Location



(South of Moonglow)

'37° 47'N 143° 51'W

Angar: "On a killing spree"

Time to show me what you can do then. Enter the city and kill these creatures that have dared to venture onto our lands!

The Objective

  • Slay -
    • 20 Frost Orcs
    • 10 Frost Orc Mages

The Reward

  • Armor Repair Deed

Angar: "Yummi Frost berries"

The one good thing about this invasion and this blasted the berries. In the haze of cold, a bush can be found that yields a fruit that can do wonders. Get me some will you?

The Objective

  • Obtain: 10 Frost berries

| Notes: Look for the skinny pine trees scattered throughout the city of Moonglow - there you can dbl click the tree and "shake" the berries from it!

| Important Note: some quest items may need the option: "Toggle Quest Item" to be selected by single clicking your character in game and choosing the option then targeting said quest item(s).

The Reward

  • Monster Contract Book

Angar: "Some just has to die..."

We've heard rumors of the general of the frost orcs. Go on and kill some orcs, see if the general emerges or if you can find some clues to it's whereabouts.

The Objective

  • Slay -
    • 10 Frost Orc Scouts
    • 10 Frost Orc Lords
    • 5 Frost Orc Brutes

The Reward

  • Mysterious Scroll
  • Frost berries
  • Small Hunter Bod Book
  • Gold

Angar: "Follow the cold trail"

Take this scroll, make sure you have enough frostberries on your person and venture into the cold embrace of the frost orcs homebase. Kill the general of the frost orcs

The Objective

  • Slay -
    • 1 General of the frost orcs
  • Obtain:
    • 1 Frosty scroll

| Notes: Double click the "Strange Carvings Cover this Parchment" It will teleport you to the homebase of the frost orcs - where you will kill the general of the frost orcs!

| Important Note: some quest items may need the option: "Toggle Quest Item" to be selected by single clicking your character in game and choosing the option then targeting said quest item(s).

The Reward

  • Level Item Bless Deed

Chapter 4 Complete!

The start of Chapter Five...

  • Find Lelo to the east of the entrance of Wind, standing in the desert! She will guide you on a way to get into the secret that is Wind!